Sunday 28 June 2015

Summer Project: Week 2

This week I set myself the theme of 'pages on a theme', mainly focusing on objects that I am not so confident at drawing (mainly cars and shoes!)and that could possibly eventually be made into a pattern.

I definitely need some more practice at drawing cars, I've never been able to draw them well!

The dinosaurs were some of my best drawings this week. I never usually use fineliner to create depth and tone but it has worked really well for me.

Throughout the summer I will continue to use pages on a theme each day to draw and discover things and new ways of drawing that will give me more confidence in drawing from memory and also drawing from observation.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Summer Project: Week 1

This week my drawings have been fairly miscellaneous without a specific theme/ method of working. They include things I have seen e.g. a character from the film American Hustle and some chickens at a farm and ways I have felt (a duvet burrito.

My favourite drawing I have done this week is this image of Coy Carp swimming, inspired from a trip to the garden centre aquatics department. I am going to start working over double pages from now as the space is more free and less constricting. I used wax crayon to apply colour to the fish; maybe this could be enhanced using digital methods or using oil pastels as an alternative material.

During the course of the summer I also hope to improve on the areas of drawing that I am less confident with; whether this be tackling my habit of drawing sausage fingers or objects like shoes etc that I need some practice at.