Sunday, 19 February 2017

TED: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Following my tutorial with Jamie, he suggested I look at a few references, one was Ken Robinson. His TED talk entitled, Do Schools Kill Creativity was the first thing to come up when I googled his name.

The talk, now 11 years old, is one of the most interesting in the TED series that I have seen. 

Main themes of the talk:

  • Extraordinary level of human creativity 
  • The future and the unknown
  • Children's capacity for innovation
Relevant Points:
  • Education is one of those things that goes deep with people like religion or money
  • Creativity is as important as literacy- we should treat it with the same status
  • STORY: School girl: 'I'm drawing a picture of God', Teacher: 'No-one knows what God looks like', School girl: 'They will do soon'
  • Kids aren't scared of getting things wrong; if you're not prepared to go wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.
  • The system is educating people out of their creativity
  • Every education system has the same hierarchy.
Maths, Languages
  • There was no real public education system before the 1900s, very industry based, so the most useful subjects for work were at the top
  • Many people who are highly intelligent are made to believe they're not because their subject isn't academic enough/stigmatised
  • We need to radically change our perception of intelligence

I am a huge advocate for promoting creativity in the learning environment, and feel really strongly about subjects within the arts being condemned as 'unintelligent'. Perhaps this could be a starting point for something to develop as a FMP???

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