I'm great! I'm feeling SO much more enthusiastic about the course now, and I'm really enjoying everything that we are doing, as well as seeing my work developing weekly. I'm finding more of a balance in my schedule too, doing a good amount of work (not too much so that I wear myself out) balanced with social events and exercise, I've taken up running and surprisingly love it! So keeping a good balance of everything = happy Ellie = GOOD WORK.
What am I proud of?
I finished my final prints for 504 and submitted everything, which was a massive weight from my shoulders after so much blood sweat and tears went into that module. I'm actually quite happy with the outcome of the prints, the gradient worked really well and I received some really positive feedback from my peers and tutors. I completed the sting too, which I struggled with so much at the start of the year; although I look back now and see many areas that I could have improved on, I will take these forward if I produce any stings in the future.
Two of my favourite pieces of work to date have come out of using Photoshop and Illustrator, which are the mock-ups I created for our PPP Life's a Pitch proposal for our wall rejuvenation business, 'Visuwallise'. After reading the book 'Enhancing the Healing Environment', I was inspired to compose designs for children's hospitals, after discovering how much the surrounding environment can have an impact on patients recovery. Hospitals can be really daunting places especially for children, and it has been proven that they feel a lot more at ease and less anxious in spaces that are decorated with bright colours and bold shapes.
What am I struggling with?
Responsive! I'm finding it so hard to make time to complete my personal briefs, that I'm so worried I won't finish them in time, especially now as we have started the collaborative brief too. I am so keen for my outcomes for the penguin design award to be top notch, and I don't want them to be rushed at the last minute. Seriously need to get a wiggle on!
Also, COP...forever on the back burner. I'm disappointed in myself that I kind of left submitting my essay to the last minute, BUT I have a strong first draft with good references and images to support the content, so I'm feeling positive about it. I need to make time to do some sketchbook drawings as well (I don't think I've done any since November-oops!)
Upcoming Events/Opportunities
Now that I feel like I'm back on my feet after a difficult few months, I really want to throw myself in the deep end and take up as many opportunities as I can.
Having recently developed an interest in illustrative projects that can help people's wellbeing, I want to make this part of a focus for my practice in the next few months. I'm going to do some further research into charities and organisations that work with the sick, underprivileged and disabled people and use creative workshops to help improve their quality of life, with the scope of becoming involved myself.
Through my student ambassador role I have also secured myself a place on a programme called 'Flood a School', which I am SUPER EXCITED about! It is a one day workshop on the 25th Feb at Crofton School near Wakefield, and I will be shadowing an art teacher and helping them deliver their lessons for the day, as well as informing pupils about my own practice by showing them my portfolio and talking about recent projects I've been working on. This will be a great experience for me to get a taster of art teaching life, especially as I'm really keen on intertwining education into my illustrative practice.
Fred also informed us of some opportunities we can get involved in. The first is a request from 'Crispin Orthotics', which is a company that designs and produces prosthetic limbs for amputees and disabled people. They would like design students to produce patterns and artwork that can be applied to these prosthetics, to make them look trendy and interesting, rather than people feeling as if they have to hide them away. I would be really keen to get involved with this project; knowing I could help someone who has gone through the trauma of losing a limb would be really uplifting and rewarding, and would also tie in with my further research into art and healing.
Another opportunity is the ELCAF workshop brief. ELCAF have requested for a creative workshop proposal for visitors to get involved with, focusing on the narrative and comic theme that the fair is based on. Although comics aren't really my area of expertise, I would be really keen to help design and deliver a workshop. The briefing is on the 10th so I will be attending it to find out more information.
Finally, Fred mentioned an opportunity to create large scale wall art for the side of the new buildings at Victoria Quarter; this really excited me because it is basically 'Visuwallise' coming to life! It would be absolutely amazing to see work I have helped to produce on such a large scale, with thousands of people seeing it everyday at the same time as contributing to the art culture of Leeds.
I think I would find it difficult to fit all of these things into my schedule but I really want to push myself and try my hardest to try out new things to develop my practice.
Plan of Action
- Produce a portfolio for Crofton School Visit
- Plan my schedule back from deadlines
- Research further into health and art
- Do not neglect COP...